Summer Recipe: Green Chili Salsa & Crudités

Summer Recipe: Green Chili Salsa & Crudités

Heat up your summer snacking with a quick mix of these fresh ingredients. The immune-boosting garlic and spicy peppers will make this a weekend favorite. Serve with a platter of thinly sliced bell peppers, carrots, celery and jicama and enjoy! Ingredients 1 can green...
Shake Up Your Summer Salads

Shake Up Your Summer Salads

The summer months often consist of high temps and days packed with activities.  Rather than cooking over a hot stove or turning on the oven, I personally prefer to keep my meals quick, easy and cool!  My go-to meal tends to be some variation of a summer salad using...
Easy Protein Power Shake

Easy Protein Power Shake

Treat yourself to this quick and easy protein shake before or after a workout, or as an alternative to that mid-afternoon cup of coffee or snack. TIP: stash a few bananas in your freezer for added texture! Serves 1 INGREDIENTS ½ frozen banana or ½ fresh banana plus a...
Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin Pie

We’ve tracked down and taste-tested a lighter version of this month’s traditional favorite, nestled in a sugar-free crust and packed with vitamins from real pumpkin puree. Find more great recipe ideas and healthy lifestyle tips at