In the dynamic world of fitness, staying motivated, understanding your body’s limits, and sifting through widespread fitness myths can be daunting. Fortunately, Mike Kachnik, our Fitness Specialist at Active at Kruse Woods, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to help you navigate these challenges with expert advice on staying consistent, tailoring workout plans, and debunking harmful fitness myths.

Mike’s Go-To Advice for Staying Motivated

When workouts get tough, it’s easy to lose motivation. Mike offers a balanced approach to staying on track, emphasizing the importance of listening to your body. “Like anything else, you’re gonna have good days and bad days. The important thing is to listen to your body and know when to push and when to pull back a little in order to have a productive day,” he advises.

Mike reminds us that even elite athletes don’t perform at their peak every day. Instead of striving for perfection, focus on consistency. “I like to think of it as putting change in the piggy bank every workout; some days you put in a dollar, some days you put in a penny, but every penny gets you closer to your goal,” Mike says. This mindset encourages steady progress, understanding that every effort, no matter how small, contributes to your long-term success.

Customizing Workouts to Fit Individual Goals

Mike is a strong advocate for personalized workout plans that cater to individual fitness levels and goals. “I’m a firm believer in learning, perfecting, and progressing our foundational movement patterns,” he explains. These foundational movements are the building blocks of a safe and effective fitness routine.

Mike’s approach is all about progression. “There is a requisite progression and regression ladder to all of them; you have to earn your way up that ladder,” he says. For example, he wouldn’t expect someone to attempt a box jump on their first day if they haven’t yet mastered a bodyweight squat. Mike prioritizes stability and a pain-free range of motion before advancing to more challenging exercises, ensuring that every client progresses safely and effectively.

Debunking the “No Pain, No Gain” Myth

One of the most persistent and misleading fitness myths is the idea that “no pain, no gain.” Mike is passionate about setting the record straight. “The biggest issue here is that there’s a difference between discomfort and pain,” he clarifies. While discomfort is part of the growth process, pain is a signal that something is wrong and should not be ignored.

Mike has seen many amateur lifters and athletes push through pain, only to end up with injuries. “If you’re doing something correctly, it shouldn’t be painful; if it hurts, we need to change something to address that pain,” he advises. And for those who experience soreness after a tough workout, Mike’s companion advice is simple: “Rest and Recover.”


Mike Kachnik’s expertise as a Fitness Specialist at Active at Kruse Woods is invaluable for anyone looking to enhance their fitness journey. His insights on motivation, customized workout plans, and debunking common fitness myths offer a balanced and sustainable approach to achieving your goals. Whether you’re just starting or looking to fine-tune your routine, Mike’s guidance can help you build a safe, effective, and rewarding fitness journey.