What Size Weight Should You Choose?

Choosing the right weight for your workout can be a tricky task. Before you start lifting, it’s important to understand the basic principles of weight selection and safety practices. Here are some tips for choosing the right weight for your workout:

  1. Start with a weight that allows you to complete 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise with good form. This is the best way to ensure that you’re not overexerting yourself and risking an injury.
  2. Increase the weight in small increments. Don’t jump from one weight to the next. Start with a weight that allows you to complete 8 to 12 repetitions and then increase the weight in small increments of 2.5-5 pounds.
  3. Monitor your strength gains. If you find that you’re able to easily complete 12 repetitions of an exercise with the same weight, it’s time to increase the weight.
  4. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. As you become stronger, you’ll need to increase the weight to continue to challenge your muscles and promote growth.
  5. Use a spotter. If you’re using heavier weights or performing exercises with a greater risk of injury, it’s important to have a spotter.

By following these tips, you can select the right weight for your workout and stay safe while exercising.

Team Active content is not medical advice; it’s inspiration to live actively! For personalized recommendation for your fitness level and goals, ask any Personal Trainer at the club. We’re here to help!