We’re happy to highlight our May Member of the Month, Stephanie! Stephanie most recently joined the club in March of 2023. She’s a big fan of strength training, yoga, and sitting poolside! Yoga is Stephanie’s favorite form of exercise, particularly Vinyasa / Power Yoga classes which are extremely strength-focused.

“Consistent exercise has helped me overcome insecurities as well as emotional and physical hurdles. The time I dedicate to the gym positively impacts how I show up for my family, myself, and my community. The days I get to pick up weights or flow in yoga are the days I get to show up as a present, kind, and patient version of myself,” she says.

Stephanie’s motivation stems from her love of her two kids! While she admits that loving and advocating for them comes naturally, prioritizing self-care has been more challenging. “Initially, when I joined Active, I had specific fitness goals in mind and my drive to achieve them came from wanting to set a healthy example for my children. Showing up consistently over time helped me learn to love myself and my body again both for its capabilities and also its imperfections. My kids got me here, and now it’s me who I choose to show up daily for,” she adds.

Outside of the club, Stephanie admits that her hobbies and interests have shifted a lot since becoming a mom. Previously, she loved playing soccer and riding motos but now she tries to spend as much time as she can adventuring outside with her kiddos. You can find her out at the coast, gardening, and hiking through Sonoma and Marin counties..

“I joined Active with a goal of healing my body postpartum and to gain strength. One thing I never anticipated would come from joining would be the strong community I’ve gained as a result. I am so grateful for the Kid’s Club team for their love and care for my kiddos as well as the rest of the staff who from day one have been so kind and supportive of our family.”

Way to go, Stephanie!