We’re happy to highlight our September Member of the Month, Nancy! Nancy has been a member for 13 years. She truly finds JOY when walking through the club doors every day.

“I used to hate to sweat, so I avoided exercise. Active changed that mindset for me.”

Nancy learned that being consistent with her exercise program every day and regulating her diet has paid off immensely. Active Wellness Center Petaluma has been a key player for Nancy to lose a considerable amount of weight and continue to keep it off and most importantly THRIVE.

Nancy is grateful for not only the support of the staff, the front desk, fitness instructors and personal trainers, but also for the community of the members who continue to encourage and include her as part of the Active at Petaluma family. 

“I love that if I struggle I am quickly guided by the instructors and cheered on by other members. The “I can do this” attitude is infectious and uplifting.”

Some of the classes Nancy participates in include Aqua Aerobics, Body Fit, Body Blast, Tone Up, Mat Pilates, Stretch and Mobility and Wellness 3-in-1. She especially enjoys working with weights and include cardiovascular, as she finds that both challenging and motivating.

Outside the club, Nancy tends to her garden and is a voracious reader. Nancy looks forward to a continued healthy future where she spends time playing with her two grandchildren. She knows it takes work and commitment and that Active is there for her. Well done, Nancy!