We’re happy to highlight one of our wonderful Group X Instructors, Megan!

What is it that got you interested in teaching Group Exercise classes? It was actually a member survey at my previous gym. I believe the question was, “What is something that no one knows about you?” I answered that I would secretly love to teach BodyCombat. The Group X Manager approached me and here we are today.

Why do you enjoy teaching? I adore the connection with the members and being a part of their fitness journey, as well as being a part of their life. My participants seem to become extended family. I love helping people achieve their goals and hit their desired marks.  

Which format is your passion? BodyCombat is my spirit animal, in regards to workouts. I’ve done kickboxing workouts since college, and bringing that passion to others, well, there’s not really a way to describe it. The endorphins, the adrenaline rush, the feeling of accomplishment…There’s nothing like it!  

How would you describe your class experience? Sometimes, it is a karaoke bar where the music makes people jam out and forget they’re exercising. Other days, the choreography makes you think hard enough to focus on that. I think the unique nature lies in the fact that it always changes. The music, the drills, everything! Except the personality… I’m 100% in and committed each and every time. 

What are you currently working on to improve as an instructor? I am always working on reading the class and bringing what is needed to motivate them. I can get lost in positive reinforcement, so I’m trying to loop in different teaching skills and motivating techniques for my classes.