Activate Member Spotlight: Vieda Baker

After COVID, Vieda realized her body, soul, and mind had taken more of a beating than she had thought. To build herself back up, she joined Active and the Activate program and it turned out to be just what she needed to jumpstart her healthy habits and build her life back up. Read Vieda’s full testimonial below.

“I had a difficult five years prior to and during COVID. Looking back, I didn’t realize the beating my body, soul and mind had taken! I also have problems with my left foot, which makes walking difficult, so a friend recommended I start an exercise program at Active Wellness Center.

I started with the Fall Prevention class and then joined the Activate program for health coaching and to build muscle on the EGYM Strength Training Machine Circuit. My health coach Sera encouraged me to keep progressing by trying other classes such as the Activate Circuit Class, L.I.F.T. and Balance, and water aerobics.

I was worried about not being able to use the outdoor pool ladder but the strength I’ve built working out on the EGYM and taking classes made it possible! I have been embraced by the Active staff and have made new friends who surround me in our combined effort to keep moving. So I say to all the seniors out there, ‘what are you waiting for?!’ Active and the Activate Program was my jumpstart to a better life.”

Are you ready to take your health and wellness to another level? Find out more about the Activate program HERE. Or reach out to us at with any questions.