We are thrilled to welcome Josie to the Active at Reed’s Crossing team as a Group Fitness Instructor! Josie is a certified Pilates Mat instructor and we can’t wait for her to share her expertise and join our community here at Active.

Here is a little bit more about Josie.


“I just recently became a true Oregonian this last September when I married my sweet husband, Wesley and moved to the Tualatin area. 

I grew up in Washington state, in a small town on the Canadian border. My family and I are Canadian and eight years ago I moved back to Canada in a very remote area. We lived in the middle of the ocean and mountains, a place you can only get to by boat or float plane. My job there was to manage and help run a treetop ropes course, a giant tree swing, and a zip line tour. This is also, crazy enough, where I met my husband!

I am someone who has always had an immense amount of energy so working out in some sort of way quickly became a normal part of my adult life. I love to try new things and physically challenge myself. I’ve gotten to try many fun fitness classes and some acrobat classes but I always had my favorite “go to” workout that never disappointed, Pilates! I also love to spend time with people. So when I moved here and was thinking about what I should do for work, I thought it would be a great idea to put my two favorite things together: Pilates (working out) and building relationships (people).

Pilates teaches many things such as strengthening, endurance, balance, body awareness, and proper breathing. In my classes I like to talk the whole time about each exercise and how your body should be feeling during each movement; I like to do this to help everyone get to know their bodies and have more awareness of what is happening inside us during each exercise. I also set aside a good amount of time in my class for stretching and rolling, this is equally as important as the actual workout itself! 

My goal is to create a comfortable space for people to challenge themselves, teach themselves, and be proud of themselves for choosing to do something hard.

Can’t wait to meet you and do Mat Pilates together!”


Thanks for sharing more about you, Josie and we can’t wait to join one of your classes!