After neglecting his health for years throughout engineering school, Anirudh made big changes and started prioritizing his fitness and well-being. Through his journey, he has found a steady rhythm in which fitness is less about achieving perfection and more about integrating health and happiness into his routine.
Check out Anirudh’s full story below!

Anirudh’s Story:

“Like many engineering graduates, I neglected my health and fitness during my undergrad, grad and post grad school years. After graduating, I decided to make a significant change and prioritize my fitness and well-being. It’s been about six years since I embarked on this fitness journey, and my body has undergone several transformations—not all of them positive.
One crucial lesson I’ve learned over time is that ‘Consistency (discipline) is far more critical than ferocity!’ What better way to achieve this than having an amazing gym just a 10-minute walk from home? Active Wellness has enabled me to make working out a regular part of my life. It seems to be paying off, as I’ve logged over 500 visits since they first opened their doors!
I’ve designed my fitness regime around the concept of longevity. I realized that while extreme diets and workouts might offer quicker results, I’m in it for the long haul. I wanted to develop a routine that I could sustain for decades, one that would keep me fit, happy, and healthy—both mentally and physically.
Active Wellness has become my sanctuary, where I not only practice the art of lifting weights but also the discipline of mindfulness. This is my time to disconnect from the pressures of the tech world, to silence the constant pings of push notifications, and to focus instead on the steady rhythm of my breathing with each lift. With a variety of group fitness classes and programs at Active, I’ve been able to incorporate diverse activities—weight training for strength, ZONE for cardio/endurance, Pilates for mobility, and pool workouts for low-impact cardio, not to mention the RESTORE lab, sauna, and whirlpool for recovery. This holistic approach has allowed me to cultivate a well-rounded lifestyle.
From my personal experience, I’ve learned that fitness is less about achieving perfection and more about integrating health and happiness into my daily routine. Embracing this approach has significantly enhanced my quality of life. And yes, I will never say no to a good scoop of ice cream!”

Thank you for sharing your Active story with us, Anirudh! Over 500 check-ins shows just how dedicated and consistent you’ve been toward your health. We’re inspired! And so happy to have you in our Active community!