Fall Prevention summer session launches June 11, 2024

Active at Reed’s Crossing’s summer Fall Prevention session running from 6/11/24 – 7/18/24

Have you ever had to cross the street at a busy intersection? Or get up in the middle of the night for a bathroom break? Or step across a large puddle to avoid getting your shoes wet? These situations – and many more – are part of everyday life and they require good balance and stability to keep you safe from harm. Our Fall Prevention program is designed to help you build the strength and skills necessary to navigate such challenges safely and confidently.

Spend a few weeks with us this summer to build core strength, improve balance and agility, sharpen your senses, and improve overall health in order to prevent falls and improve your quality of life. Our Fall Prevention summer session takes place June 11 – July 18 and registration is now open.

Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays: Level 1 from 1:00-2:00pm and Level 2 from 2:00-3:00pm.

Pre-session assessments will take place on Thursday, June 6 and Friday, June 7 in Studio 1; drop in between 1:00-2:00pm on either day.

Cost for the 6-week session (12 classes total) is $110 for members and $160 for nonmembers. Providence Medicare Assurance covers the cost of the program for plan members.

For more information, or to register for the session, please contact Medical Fitness Manager Angie Dobrowski at (503) 512-5010 or angie.dobrowski@activewellnesscenter.com.

Here’s what our participants said about their experience:

“The Fall Prevention Program is a great series at Active, Reeds Crossing. Over the past six weeks, I have decreased hip and back pain by improving my balance, using different muscles, changing my posture, and developing a better gait. No more swaying from side to side, which makes walking much more stable.”

“I am grateful that you suggested taking the Fall class as Jim and I have noticed improvement with my posture along with my gait. 🙂  Over the past weekend I practiced walking with the ball and my gate/coordination has improved!”

“The improved strength, stability, posture, and gait has made a significant improvement in my enjoyment of sports.  The Program has also benefited my daily life in climbing stairs, working on household duties, and reaching for or carrying heavy items.”