Meet Joel Murillo

Joel has been a member at Active at NorthBay since October 2023. This past December, Joel suffered from a pretty serious ankle injury during a soccer game. Early morning on the field, wet grass, Joel went up for a header and landed wrong, resulting in a dislocated ankle, torn ligaments, minor fractures and extreme pain. 

After being in a cast for 5 weeks, he was able to transition to a boot and a knee scooter. That was freedom for Joel and that meant it was time to hit the gym and come back stronger! Joel showed up consistently (sometimes twice a day) starting in mid January and worked on mobility, strength and agility. Through his consistency at Active, working his physical therapy plan, and maintaining a positive attitude, he’s been recovering wonderfully! 

Joel enjoys lifting weights and hitting the punching bags. He stays motivated to #LiveActively by remembering where he was a few years ago and not wanting to go back there, fitness and health wise. 

“I believe that Active has helped me because I look forward to coming to the gym each and every day. I enjoy the staff, the environment, and the people. Because of that I am able to be consistent with training and my overall health,” says Joel.

His hobbies outside the gym are, playing soccer, playing basketball, hiking, watching UFC and taking vacations. 

“The team is amazing here; so welcoming, friendly, and helpful. It shows that you all care about your members and the facility. I just want to say thank you and I appreciate each and every one of you. Keep it up. This is the BEST gym in Vacaville.”

We love being a part of our members’ overall health and wellness and wish Joel the best on his fitness journey and recovery. Thank you, Joel, for your dedication and sharing your story with us.