Swim Club / Team
Explores stroke development and provides endurance training in a non-competitive team environment. Learn introduction to competitive technique, drills and skills. We have a strong focus on stroke development, providing a team atmosphere and promoting good sportsmanship. Participants are also able to explore competitive swimming with our USA Swimming opportunities. A fun way to challenge your kids’ strokes and endurance levels in both a competitive and non-competitive environment. Fitness and fun continue as our primary goals.
Member Monthly Cost
One Day Weekly: $90
Two Days Weekly: $125
Three Days Weekly: $165
Non-Member Monthly Cost
One Day Weekly: $110
Two Days Weekly: $155
Three Days Weekly: $200
Member Monthly Cost
One Day Weekly: $80
Two Days Weekly: $120
Three Days Weekly: $175
Non-Member Monthly Cost
One Day Weekly: $100
Two Days Weekly: $150
Three Days Weekly: $200